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Wordpress Development

Impulsa3 is a development company specialized in WordPress. WordPress architecture is characterized by its flexibility, extensibility, ease of use and adaptability, being very versatile for the creation of websites and blogs.

WordPress is the platform of choice for top companies like Mercedes-Benz, the Spotify blog, The New York Times, Google Ventures, Walt Disney, and even giants like IBM and Microsoft.

WordPress project services

If you need WordPress developers, both to build your website and to keep it updated, Impulsa3 is here to help you. We walk alongside you from the creation to the ongoing maintenance of your WordPress, with the experience of having launched a variety of different projects.

WordPress Web Development

WordPress plugins development

WordPress Maintenance

Migration to WordPress

WordPress Audits

WordPress performance optimization

WordPress Multisite Installations

WordPress and WooCommerce integration with CRMs

WordPress Training

Hiring a WordPress programmer on hourly basis

Custom plugin development for WordPress

Many of our customers who use WordPress solutions start scaling their businesses and encounter limits or high costs for additional features or registrations. In other cases, they also need a custom integration with other systems or implementing very specific functionalities that fit within the WordPress ecosystem. In all these cases, the best option is usually to program a set of PHP files under the WordPress architecture, giving it the form of a plugin.

WordPress, the most used CMS

WordPress leads worldwide installations, with an impressive 60% market share, followed far behind by Shopify with 7%.

Thanks to its flexible architecture based on templates, plugins and third-party developments, WordPress facilitates the scalability of websites, small and large, very easily.

This versatility and reliability in responding to the market is largely due to the presence of a company like Automattic and an active community of developers, including ourselves, which contributes to strengthening the platform.

	 * Get the warning notice for the modal window.
	 * @return string
	protected function get_extensions_modal_warning() {
		$version_parts = explode( '.', $this->new_version );
		$new_version   = $version_parts[0] . '.0';
		$plugins       = $this->major_untested_plugins;

		include __DIR__ . '/views/html-notice-untested-extensions-modal.php';
		return ob_get_clean();

WooCommerce vs Shopify

There are significant differences between Woocommerce and Shopify. At Impulsa3 we have experience in both ecommerce platforms and we want to share with you our conclusions:

Clients who rely on our software development

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